Cops accused of taking selfie in front of burning house – CNET

Commentary: In New York, video of two police officers smiling into a phone disturbs some.

If you bring a new laptop to CES 2017, better make sure it’s a two-in-one hybrid – CNET

Flipping and folding hybrids make up the majority of cool new laptops at CES this year.

Samsung’s CES 2017 4D VR rides rock you every which way – CNET

The company's demos make you physically feel what you're seeing in Gear VR goggles.

Full Nerd special episode: Radeon head Raja Koduri on Vega, FreeSync 2, and the ‘P’ in ‘PC’

AMD wasn’t playing around at CES 2017. Not only did the CPU team reveal more than…

Full Nerd special episode: Radeon boss Raja Koduri on Vega, FreeSync 2, and the ‘P’ in ‘PC’

AMD wasn’t playing around at CES 2017. Not only did the CPU team reveal more than…

AirWander for your wanderlust: legitimately impressive

 It’s reassuring to know that, jaded as I am, every so often, I can still stumble…

2016’s Most Popular Web Technologies

The world of web technology changes at a rapid pace. New projects appear daily, and old…

I’ve seen lots of baby tech products at CES. I’m not buying — yet – CNET

Commentary: Parenting is just the latest place where tech is invading our lives. Name a product,…