Google Patches Security Holes in Android Bootloader for Nexus Devices

Google's automated over-the-air (OTA) update system has plugged a "high-risk" vulnerability that affected the Android bootloader…

Knocki turns any surface into a switch

 What happens when you mix two software dudes, a little kid, and a light switch? You…

Qualcomm says 5G is the biggest thing since electricity – CNET

Your next wireless boost is about more than faster movie-streaming. Qualcomm is buzzing about the 5G…

As connected hardware matures, investors pour more funding into fewer companies

 The connected hardware space has undoubtedly gone through a renaissance over the last four years, with…

Uber challenged on diversity by Jesse Jackson – CNET

The civil-rights leader calls on the ride-hailing company to release diversity figures on its workforce, as…

15 things to tweak when setting up a new MacBook – CNET

Just bought your first MacBook? Start out by checking or changing these settings.

The BlackBerry Mercury is TCL’s entry into enterprise

 There’s some inherent irony in the Mercury. The first BlackBerry device produced solely under the TCL…

How to post 360-degree photos to Facebook – CNET

Sharing regular photos with your Facebook friends is a thing of the past -- the future…