Google tables fully self-driving car project — here’s why

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It seems lately like almost every everyone is getting into the self-driving car game. 

Except one, that has been a big player since the beginning, is pulling back. That's right, while all the other tech companies on the block are jumping feet first in to autonomous driving technology pool, Google is rethinking its goals.

In IT Blogwatch, we take the wheel. 

So what exactly is happening? Max Langridge has the background:

Google has been developing its own self-driving autonomous car for...years, racking up several million testing miles. But before the car could...make it onto the roads for real, Google has...decided to stop development.
It's not to say Google is stopping development of self-driving technologies, but...Google has decided to...focus on collaborating with car manufacturers rather than its own model, with the intention of developing...self-driving modes but keeping the pedals and steering wheel.

Seems Google is changing course. What is the new plan? Biz Carson has the details:

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