Old Vulnerabilities Are Still Good Tricks for Today’s Attacks

The value of a security vulnerability drops significantly the moment it gets patched but the bad…

Hundreds of GoDaddy Accounts Used for “Miracle” Product Scams

Scammers pushing snake oil products compromised hundreds of GoDaddy accounts and used 15,000 subdomains to redirect…

EternalBlue Exploit Serves Beapy Cryptojacking Campaign

A cryptojacking campaign uses NSA's leaked DoublePulsar backdoor and the EternalBlue exploit to spread a file-based…

Malware Hosted in Google Sites Sends Data to MySQL Server

Security researchers found malware hosted on the Google Sites platform for building websites. The threat is…

Source Code for Carbanak Backdoor Shared with Larger Infosec Community

For the past two years, the source code for the Carbanak banking malware has been sitting…

Security Researcher Pleads Guilty To Malware Writing Charges

Security researcher Marcus Hutchins pled guilty on Wednesday to writing malware and aiding with its distribution…

New INPIVX Service May Change the Ransomware Game

A new service called Inpivx pushes ransomware business to a new evolution stage, making it easy…

Google to Block Logins from Embedded Browser Frameworks

To increase protection against man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks, Google in June will block sign-ins from embedded browser…